[Tutorial / 教學] Get Electra (Multipath TCP) installed on iOS 11.2~11.3.1 / 安裝開發者版本的 Electra (iOS 11.2~11.3.1)

CoolStar just released Electra for iOS 11.2-11.3.1 today (2018.07.07).

This tutorial shows how to install Electra IPA (Multipath TCP version) on your device with paid Apple developer account. Make sure you have basic knowledge for this tutorial, you are fully doing this at your own risk, I’m not responsible for any damage or data losing… etc.
此教學是教你安裝 iOS 11.2~11.3.1 的越獄工具 – Electra,前提是你擁有「付費的」開發者帳號及基本知識,意思是說手機爆炸我不管。

1st. What you need / 必備工具

And we start!

2nd. Create a provision file only for Electra

For supporting the requirement of Electra dev version – Multipath TCP service, you need to create a provision file with multipath TCP service enabled in your developer account.
此次 Electra 開發者版本是使用 Multipath TCP 漏洞,因此我們需要使用一組開啟 Multipath TCP 功能的 provision profile。

Remind to add your device UDID to your account before you create provision file. You can check this Tutorial if you don’t know how to add your device into your account.
再開始之前,記得先將你的裝置 UDID 註冊到你的開發者帳號,可以參考教學

2-1. Registering a new App ID in App ID page of Identifier section

進入開發者帳號頁面後,我們選擇右側 Identifier → AppID → 並註冊一組新的 App ID

2-2. Fill in your custom bundle ID, for example, I used tw.garynil.Electra1131

填入 Bundle ID,建議用「你常用的名稱」+ Electra1131,例如我是 tw.garynil.Electra1131

2-3. Enable Multipath TCP serivce for your provision file

為此組 App ID 開啟 Multipath TCP 服務

完成後,我們便創立了一組只為此次 JB 使用並有 Multipath TCP 服務的 AppID

2-4. Then get into the Provision Profile section and create new iOS Provision Profile

接下來我們將建立剛剛創立的 App ID 的 Provision Profile,我們先進入右側 Provision Profile 區塊並按+號

2-5. Choose the App ID we create previously.

我們為此組欲建立的 Provision Profile 選擇剛剛創立的 App ID

2-6. Choose devices you would like to install.


2-6. Finally, we can download the Provision Profile we created.

將剛剛建立的 Provision Profile 下載至你的電腦

3rd. Extract resigned Electra ipa / 重簽名 ipa

We open the Resign tool IOS Appsigner and selected:
– Input file:the newest Electra ipa / 最新版 Electra ipa
– Signing Certificate:Your iPhone Developer Certificate / 你的開發者帳號憑證,記得先於 Xcode 登入它才抓的到
– Provisioning Profile:Download from apple developer page we created on last step. / 剛剛製作並下載的 Provisioning Profile
Press start then it will resign and extract the ipa for you.

註:如果出現錯誤,檢查你的 ipa 內的 Payload/Electra1131.app/embedded.mobileprovision 是否有 multipath 這行,以及你的裝置的 udid。

4th. Install on your device / 在裝置上安裝 Electra ipa

After these steps, you can install this ipa on your device by tools such as Apple ConfiguratoriFunbox…etc
Apple ConfiguratoriFunbox 等工具安裝你剛剛建立的 ipa 吧!


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